Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What U.S. democracy is up against

This chart haunts me. Click to enlarge. Over the last 50 years,, the Republican Party has evolved to play on the same far right turf as neo-Nazis in Europe. It's positioning is not simply conservative. With a nudge from Koch Brothers and the Murdoch media, the GOP has drifted into evil waters. Trump's unrestrained racism seals the deal.

Only unity among people in resistance can impede this. Can we put up with each other for the larger good?


Mary said...

We are living in very scary times. I am truly glad I’m old, other than I will probably see the beginning of the end, but not the swing back to normalcy and decency , if there is ever one again.

janinsanfran said...

Agreed, Mary. I too share a cyclical hope, but also doubt that age (I'm 72) will spare me seeing more horrors on this turn.