Wednesday, November 10, 2021

It's official: we will vote June 7 on whether to recall Chesa Boudin

Our progressive District Attorney was never supposed to win election, as far as the City establishment was concerned. The fix was in. The Mayor even appointed her preferred candidate as "interim" D.A.

But in 2019, the voters had other ideas. 

So disgruntled losers fanned discontent among a grumpy pandemic electorate and are dragging Boudin back into another campaign, just when the reforms he's attempting might be hitting their stride.

Turning an entrenched system of dubious justice around is hard. Boudin may not succeed. But there are plenty of Republican moneybags and some conservative Democrats, not to mention the SFPD union leadership, who aren't willing to let the man try. 

So we have to vote in a rerun.

Boudin's detractors will have all the national right wing money they could wish to run whining ads, many of them just lies. Let's hope we're smart enough to ignore the noise.

Ryan Alexander-Tanner has made the case for Boudin's reforms in cartoon format.

As far as I'm concerned, this alone might be enough to earn my vote.

But there is so much more.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

The seventh of June is a long way off.