Saturday, July 16, 2022

What it is really like to work on a campaign: training

A winning political campaign is not a crowd of people running around hollering about their candidates. It's meticulous work to identify and talk with potential supporters and record their responses, so we will know who we must encourage to vote in November.

And having those conversations isn't a kind of magic. It's a learned skill. A very high skill indeed, in my opinion. So door knockers practice and then practice some more, refining their raps. 

And then canvassers need to learn how to record the information on tablet computers. This should be simple, but as we all know, with electronic gadgets, there is a learning curve.

So this is the work we're learning to do here in the middle of July in Las Vegas and Reno. Nobody does a better job of training for campaigns as a kind of organizing than UniteHERE/Culinary workers. It's a pleasure to see this done well.

Anyone looking for meaningful, hard, paid work from now to November should check out this link and sign up to join us! This is a special learning experience. You can do this and help save the country from greedy Republican bosses.

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