Wednesday, June 05, 2024

He's just a rich crook and the Republican Party is a cult

I shouldn't, but I retain the ability to be amazed by my fellow citizens.

Click to enlarge.
Aaron Blake reports:

In April, [a You-Gov poll] showed 58 percent of Republicans said that a convicted felon should not be allowed to become president. But after Trump’s conviction in Manhattan last week, that number plummeted to just 23 percent.

Republicans in April said by a 41-point margin that a conviction would be disqualifying; they now say by a 35-point margin that it’s not disqualifying.

The same poll in April showed 37 percent of Republicans said they would not be willing to vote for a convicted felon “under any circumstances.” That number has now dropped to 14 percent.

... Trump’s party is certainly a reflection of his own situational approach to principles.

We're back to "what the hell is wrong with these people?" I'm sure the answer is multi-faceted and some facets may be forgivable. But too many are not. The only recourse is to outnumber them in a free and fair election in November.

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