Tuesday, June 04, 2024

He's just a rich crook

Some Democratic political consultants tell us we must use weasel words about the former president, but I don't see it. A jury got a close look at how he illegally schemed to rob voters of information that might have influenced the 2016 election -- the jury heard it all, and said no, he's obviously guilty. And that's the new fact.

Jess Piper, who organizes and campaigns for Dems in rural Missouri, is having no caution. 

... I have had several Missouri candidates, and those from outside of the state, reach out and say that the Democratic Party has decided it’s best for state level candidates to not speak on Donald Trump’s guilty verdict.

Wait, what?

... Speak on the Trump guilty verdict. Say it loud. Knock doors and tell the folks about it.

I don’t think we should rub Republican noses in a guilty verdict, but my god, to remain silent on it makes us look complicit. Or like Biden had something to do with the verdict. Or like it was truly “rigged.”

If we don’t speak on it, we seem guilty as well, and that gives the purveyors of right-wing propaganda the inch they need to run a mile with absolute lies. We have to get out there with our message of truth, or we have folks thinking the Dems had something to do with the guilty verdict or the case being brought in the first place.

...  Here is a message that even rural Republicans will agree with…rich folks tend to get away with everything. They walk out of a courthouse free on charges that would land the rest of us not only in custody, but probably in jail. They can pay for lawyers the rest of us would have no access to, and they can even buy politicians to plead their cases to the public. That’s not how the justice system works for any of us…why do rich people not have to play by the same rules?

... Trump is guilty of paying hush money and didn’t want voters to find out. He was elected telling us lies. He conned every single one of us by not telling the truth and hiding what he did by paying off folks to remain silent. 

Go get him, Jess!

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