Monday, July 15, 2024

No wonder violence came for Donald

Still out of the country for another two weeks, but able to get online for a brief comment.

Again he dominates our heads. 

Donald Trump traffics in delight in violence. A convenient list via Jay Kuo.

• Trump urged supporters at rallies to beat up protestors. 
• He called for Black Lives Matter rioters to be shot.  
• He used racist language to inflame hate and hate-based attacks against Asian American during the pandemic.  
• He made fun of the brutal attack upon Nancy Pelosi’s husband.  
• He mocked the notion that radicals had plotted to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.  
• His words helped inspire racist mass shooters in Buffalo and El Paso.  
• He approved of chants to “Hang Mike Pence.”  And he incited the violent January 6 attack upon the Capitol.
No wonder violence came for him. That's how the world works. We quite often get what we live by.

The MAGAs work to enable every idiot in the country to run around with weapons of war and then wonder why people, including their Orange Totem, get shot.

I guess I'm glad this incident didn't kill him, but if that broken boy's aim had been better, I'd still think Trump got what he asked for.

Too many MAGAs have put American democracy, the rule of law, and human decency in their gun sites. Most of us aren't among the gun-obsessed nor do we wish to stomp on the freedoms, and the people themselves, with whom we coexist, however uncomfortably at times. 

We still have the choice to practice diligent voting and compassionate justice activism.

And we can be kind to each other, seeking to sow better fruit and a better future. That is all.

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Meanwhile there were the inadvertent casualties, the spectators killed and maimed as forced participants in a spectacle. The frolics of cruelty leave their victims.

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I came of age in 1968, during the last era of directly political American violence. We've forgotten how good we've had it.

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