I find Ted Cruz' appearance stomach turning (and that's without taking into consideration anything he stands for.)
I'm not alone in this. Paul Waldman confesses the same feeling:
Or may as charming as Martin Shkreli, the greedy pharmaceutical billionaire. Though pictures of Shkreli don't make him quite as bad looking.... a necessary confession: I find Cruz utterly repellent, on a real gut level, and most of the liberals I know feel the same way.
That's no basis on which to make rational political judgments, but it is what it is. There's a self-satisfied smarminess about Cruz that is just inescapable. His manner is always exactly the same, the varieties of human emotion distilled down to a smirk and a sneer. He's about as charming as the lawyer who sues the school district because his kid got a 99 instead of 100 on a geography quiz.
An odious appearance is unusual in a major politician. Why is this guy so repulsive?
It's his smug self-righteousness and the selfish positions he takes. It's not just his face but that's bad enough. It's the whole package. Ugh but then i feel that way about them all. Did you see that I think it was an Indiana university predicted Bernie will be our next President. I'd sure like to see that come to pass.
At least he doesn't have Trump's jacked-up hairdo.
A key attribute in a President is the ability to negotiate... To listen to the other side, to compromise, to deal fairly and realize you are not always right. Why do I get the feeling that Ted Cruz can do none of that?
I found this photo of Ted Cruz from long ago. I think it says a lot. Take from that what you will.
Thanks Brandon. Some people grow beyond the stage shown there. Others, maybe not.
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