Saturday, March 16, 2019

Governments: do your damn job!

In 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, usually called ISIS in US media, broke into European and American consciousness with ugly videos of beheading of unfortunate western captives. Then they further intruded on our concern by attempting genocide against the Yazidis and overrunning parts of Iraq and Syria. The nations of the world mustered their superior technology and greater wealth of force and smashed this vicious bunch.

I'm something close to a pacifist. I've spent a life criticizing how the US throws its weight around in other peoples' countries. But I'm not distressed by the suppression of ISIS. If there is any circumstance in which government is justified in using its overwhelming force, it is to protect the vast majority of people from murderous fanatics.

So why can't we expect governments to use the tools they possess against the global networks of white supremacy? There's no physical territory involved so this is not about widespread deployment of bombs and guns. But governments should use every legal tool to stamp out and eradicate the whole online infrastructure of "white replacement" ideology that provides the sea in which terrorists like killers in Charleston, Pittsburgh, Oak Creek, and New Zealand swim. And they should be energetic and ruthless.

Oh I know -- at least in the U.S., people have the right to advocate things which others find offensive. But there are limits. We are accumulating a bloody record that shows rightwing racists have been crying fire in a crowded theater of resentments and fears -- and that's not legal speech.

A responsible government would find a way to close these people down before they kill more. Most of them are not blameless citizens (hardly anyone is when the legal eagles get going.) They can be vulnerable to legal constraint if the rest of us want it. We need action.

As Adam Serwer reports:

[in January 2019] the Anti-Defamation League released a report finding that attackers with ties to right-wing extremist movements killed at least 50 people in 2018. That was close to the total number of Americans killed by domestic extremists, meaning that the far right had an almost absolute monopoly on lethal terrorism in the United States last year. That monopoly would be total if, in one case, the perpetrator had not “switched from white supremacist to radical Islamist beliefs prior to committing the murder.”

The number of fatalities is 35 percent higher than the previous year, and it marks the fourth-deadliest year for such attacks since 1970. In fact, according to the ADL, white supremacists are responsible for the majority of such attacks “almost every year.”

Yes, we have our own rightwing troll in White House these days. But he too can be constrained if masses of us want it. It's okay to demand of government that it do its legal job and squash this stuff before it grows further. Back to basics: governments are instituted among humans by the people for the defense of the governed.


Mary said...

Trump is NOT president of the entire US, but only a slightly more than third of the country. He owes his alligeance only to his rabid cult and the cowardly republicans who also need his cult to get re elected.

He has no concern for the public at large and all of its citizens.
He has no concern for destroying the environment especially if it creates temporary wealth.
He has no concern for public education because it’s best to keep them ignorant. And private education, which is mostly religious, will work in his favor.
He has no concern for the human rights of all people especially if they are a minority race, LBGT, poor or liberal in philosophy.
He has no concern for global peace and prosperity and aligns himself with other bullying authoritarian leaders.
He has no concern for sane gun control because the NRA is another owner of he and his party. Guns mean money.

He is not a man of the people. He is a man only for himself. He knows just what to throw at his base, and he is aware of the power they and Fox News yield. They own him. He is a petty little man trapped in his own insidious hateful mind. His followers are much the same.

The rest of us have the power in the vote and speaking up and in an even larger part...not being apathetic. Some quote I read somewhere roughly says "Evil wins when good men do nothing."

janinsanfran said...

Mary -- I could not agree more. We cannot be apathetic; we must forge on building humane activity, resistance, and courage. I believe the people of this land are up to the test of our times, especially the young people.

Sadly, I don't think Trump has any allegiance to anything but himself; that is sad in anyone, even this too powerful, evil actor.