Friday, August 27, 2021

GOPers gone psychopathic

All I can think of to say in response to this situation is that Republican partisans are some sick puppies.

By way of Heather Cox Richardson:

In Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis has forbidden mask or vaccine mandates, 21,000 people a day are being diagnosed with coronavirus—more than twice the rate of the rest of the  country—and almost 230 a day are dying, a rate triple that of the rest of the country. Right now, Florida alone accounts for one fifth of national deaths from Covid.

Ten major hospitals in Florida are out of space in their morgues and have rented coolers for their dead; those, too, are almost full. Intensive care units in the state are 94% occupied. Sixty-eight hospitals warned yesterday that they had fewer than 48 hours left of the oxygen their Covid patients need, a reflection of the fact that 17,000 people are currently hospitalized in the state. 

Appearing on the Fox News Channel last night, DeSantis blamed Biden for the crisis. “He said he was going to end Covid,” DeSantis said. “He hasn’t done that.”

I don't usually want to participate in firing up the outrage volume. But some actions -- and inactions -- really are deserving of outrage. I have close friends who are involuntarily in Florida right now, caring for a sick relative. This brings the villainy of Ron DeSantis' campaign to attract the MAGA base awfully close to home. What's got into these people?

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