Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Seasonal disorientation

Love this cartoon. But my confusion is actually longer than this. In a year when Christmas Eve fell on a Friday, Christmas on Saturday, and the first Sunday in the Christmas season the next day, I started feeling confused about December 20. All my weekend markers were unsettled.

And this has been a whole year when the distinction between weekdays and weekends has often felt obscure. What day was it today, anyway?

Used to be, college football bowls and the end of the NFL season helped orient this season. But I've given up on football during COVID times -- can't seem to keep track of who is playing now, between illness and injury.

Now we're in that strange interim period when no one ever knows what day it is. New Years Eve is Friday, right? When's Friday?

H/t to my friend Ju Hui Judy Han for the cartoon. Don't know who she ganked it from.

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