Sunday, December 03, 2023

Women wage peace

Sharon Brous serves as the senior rabbi of a Jewish congregation in Los Angeles. It's her job to make spiritual meaning by way of her tradition of the horrors of Hamas's assault on Israelis on 10/7 and Israel's subsequent revenge upon the Palestinians of Gaza. 

I hesitated to post this until I had read further confirmation that her opening contention that Israeli male military authorities ignored warnings because they came from women is reported fact. This has been broadly confirmed.

Making reliable sense of horrors is beyond any of us, of course. And too much of what passes for explication is simply heated nonsense; we're human. But Rabbi Brous seems to me to offer insight and so I'll publish this here, though it is longer than most videos I post. (If the YouTube tries to give you a preliminary advertisement, just push on through. The video is worth the trouble.)

11/25/23 - Women Wage Peace
"... On both sides of the border, many of those in power subscribe to that messianic fever dream that I spoke about on Yom Kippur in which women must be fully subjugated to men into traditional gender roles that ignore, sideline, or marginalize our voices and ultimately aspire to eliminate women from public life altogether. ... I learn from [the biblical story of] Rachel that this might be the greatest spiritual need -- to be seen and to be heard ... and it is no mistake that the person crying out to be heard and seen here is a woman living in a man's world. ...that was thousands of years ago, how painful that the same instincts and inclinations plague out society today ... Women just lead the movement for peace... women are essentially a missing cohort in the political arena ... I will continue to wish and to fight to ensure that we who so desperately want the world to see and hear  us, open our ears and eyes and hearts to the Palestinian women who are suffering so terribly today.  ... Women lead the reckoning, the repair, and reconstruction of our broken hearts and of our world."
Do take the time to watch and feel.

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