Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Democratic Convention Day One oddments

How can I not enjoy this?

For the first time in nearly a decade, politics is not all about Trump. This is to the credit of Harris, Walz, and their campaign. The race is now about the future, and about hope and joy, as opposed to the fear that dominated politics since Trump arrived on the scene.

Harris talks about Trump, as she should. He is her opponent, but the thrust of her message is about herself, her values, and her vision. Before the change in candidates, the conversation centered on voting to defeat Trump. Harris is running to do something good, not stop something bad. -- Dan Pfeiffer, comms guy from Obama world
The new folks are moving in. A Chicago tower redecorated.
From historian of European barbarism Tim Snyder who knows how far we can sink:

Democracy is not an easy form of government.  It has none of the certainties of the various forms of tyranny.  It demands that the governed as well as the governing make compromises, learn to to listen, and sometimes resist impulses.  The champions of democracy are not the people who cling to power in its name, but those who put that greater consultation, that larger discussion, that continuing project, above themselves.

The president has set an example. The president did exactly the thing that he needed to do. That is an example we can follow.

Joe Biden has given us a benediction.  The rest is up to us.

Enough for Day One. On with the party

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