Friday, August 09, 2024

Friday cat blogging

Today the local cats yield pride of place to the magnificent animal that VP nominee Tim Walz brought home from Mankato rescuers.

According to that Humane Society, Afton rules the roost in the state residence where the Walz's live. 

Afton’s antics keep the first family on their toes. He inserts himself into the Governor’s public policy work to demand affection. He sends emails full of random letters from the First Lady to colleagues at the State Capitol. And he has made countless homework assignments disappear from family computers.

At the Governor’s mansion, Afton has the luxury of water bowls on every level of the house. But Minnesota’s first feline is obsessed with water being fresh. It’s not uncommon for him to demand a fresh refill by tipping over every bowl in the house. 

Afton is as affectionate as he is mischievous. Gwen Walz says the family fell in love with him as soon as they met him. The three-year-old "cuddle bug," a former stray, was adopted from the Blue Earth Nicollet County Humane Society in Mankato. Adoption was an easy choice for the Walz family. "We know there’s a lot of animals that need homes."   

You shall know your leaders by the animals who agree to live with them? Perhaps yes!

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