Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Democratic debate

If you missed it, enjoy watching Elizabeth Warren eviscerate Michael Bloomberg.

This was the first Democratic primary debate I've watched in a while. Aside from Bloomberg, every single one of them (even Pete and his foil Ms. Klobuchar) knows they must speak to a Democratic consensus that (per Pew) government must do more to help the needy - 71%; racial discrimination is the reason that black people can't get ahead - 64%; and that immigrants strengthen the country - 84%.

This cumbersome, anxiety inducing primary process provides an arena within which those values can deepen and thrive. I am left feeling hopeful again about my fellow citizens.


Celia said...

Amen sister!

Joared said...

I've made a point of viewing these so-called "debates". This last one was quite lively. Yes, I got quite a kick out of Warren taking on Bloomberg. I'm sure the opponent after the Party nominations determined will be dragging out vides of some of what these candidates are saying to and about one another. Oh, well!