Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Just wow!

A cabinet shake-up in Canada is making Chrystia Freeland the new finance minister, "the first woman in Canadian history to hold the job federally."
"She has shown competence and capacity in her past portfolios, including foreign affairs, international trade and intergovernmental relations. But what remains to be seen is her plan for managing the pandemic now and recovering from it later — and whether she can get the prime minister to sign on. 
"On Tuesday at a news conference with Trudeau, Freeland noted, “I think all Canadians understand that the restart of our economy needs to be green.” She also pointed out that the economic consequences of the pandemic have been borne disproportionately by women."
Back when the new finance minister was a journalist, she wrote what I consider the most approachable book out there on the horrors of a world economy organized by and for the greedy, Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else

Maybe she's been corrupted by deciding to go for political power via the Canadian Liberal Party and Justin Trudeau -- or maybe the pandemic and US withdrawal from the world gives her a chance to go for it. 

Bravo to Canadians!

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