Tuesday, September 08, 2020

People in this country are hungry

The Trumpies are crowing the U.S. economy is recovering. Don't tell that to these folks who wait in line carefully socially distanced for food supplies from the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank. The line stretched around the block.

Don't try to tell it to the families to whom I deliver food boxes weekly from the Mission Food Hub. 

People are hungry in this country. Don't try to tell out-of-work workers that things are getting better. Here's Juan Cole: 

It is a sad Labor Day, in the shadow of the Trump Pandemic. Over a fourth of workers are afraid of losing their jobs because of the pandemic, up from 15% last year this time, according to Gallup. That is, the anxiety over joblessness has almost doubled. Many are much more worried, as well, about having their wages cut. Workers are more anxious than at any time since the Great Recession began to taper off nine years ago.

Some 27 million US workers are receiving jobless benefits. While the government is reporting an improvement of unemployment to 8.4%, it is more like 9% because many workers who have been temporarily laid off mark themselves as “absent.” Moreover, some 300,000 of the new jobs are as census workers, which doesn’t really tell you that the private sector is rebounding. Not to mention that 8.4% unemployment is apocalyptic. ...

Donald Trump has got to go. He's killing us.

1 comment:

Celia said...

Totally agree. The hot spots in our little town are the food banks and pantries. Many of the people laid off were minimum wage with little or no chance to save up for this disaster. tRump and his clutch of robber barons are killing us in so many ways.