Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Still feverish, still positive 5 days into COVID ...

but living the good life of a battery powered zombie in this heated vest, a gift from Erudite Partner. Yes, eventually, everything will be battery powered, we hope.

Sick of my current condition, but COVID is apparently not quite through with me. Or many of us this winter. Fortunately I don't feel seriously ill, but still may need to avoid people.

This San Francisco Chronicle article [gift link] describes what seems to be happening in this household. Despite having mild sickness last June and up-to-date shots, the current variant seems to get through. 

Peter Chin-Hong, a UCSF infectious disease expert, said the long duration could be related to the “changing of the guard” of COVID variants. 

“People who had been exposed to XBB in the summer and fall were less protected when JN.1 emerged,” he said. “Strategies people had used to make them NOVIDs (people who have never had COVID) in the past did not work quite as well with the more transmissible JN.1. So that made a whole lot of people susceptible to COVID over a duration of weeks.”

This too will pass.

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