Tina writes:
If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area: imagine an earthquake happening everyday.
Imagine yourself with Oakland Airport destroyed. and next day with the Bay Bridge down again. and then the San Mateo Bridge and then the Golden Gate. and then the San Francisco airport. And then the phone lines falling silent, one neighborhood at a time. Imagine a power plant having its fuel tanks bombed, burning and going up smoke.
Around you, every day, more houses are flattened.
You can't go north. You can't go east. You can't go south. You are trapped.
Imagine yourself trapped.
There are people paying for the bombs and the airplanes. Those people are Americans. This is an American war where no American soldiers get killed. Americans send bombs to Israel. Americans let themselves be led by the Israeli lobby. Read what Tom Hayden wrote this week about how he was used by the Israel lobby in the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and how that lobby works to undermine all good work you do, even your peace movement.
Be the good people I know you are; demonstrate, sit in, stop this American war.
from Beirut, Lebanon
Tina will be speaking on Robbie Osman's show on KPFA radio at 11am PDT, Sunday, July 23. If you you miss the show, Robbie puts his tapes up as podcasts at KPFA. In the left hand column of the web page, scroll the "choose show" button to "Across the Great Divide" and follow the links.
Sign the global petition to end this killing of innocents, you can sign it here:
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