Saturday, July 05, 2014

Saturday scenes and scenery: through Washington and Montana

We barreled along toward Spokane, into the country of the big sky.

On the Centennial Trail through that city, we encountered Boris Borzum, 16 feet tall, fabricated by the workers of General Metal according to a sign, now sitting lonely on a trailer. No, I don't understand either.

Stopping for a view of the Mission Mountains on the Flathead Reservation, we got a strong warming to keep off the grass!

This glaciated headwall looms over Upper Two Medicine Lake in Glacier National Park.

That's the lake itself, one of our hiking destinations.

On the southern edge of the park, a site called, understandably, "Goat Lick" lures the animals to a creek to ingest minerals they need. This mangy fellow rested some 150 feet across a ravine, ignoring the tourists.

Lake McDonald is the jewel of the western flank of the national park.

1 comment:

Hattie said...

Really nice photos. We do have a lot of magnificent scenery in the U.S. We'll be in Eastern Washington and Oregon later on this summer. I'm looking forward to it.
Hope your tour is going well!