My latest "Gay and Gray" post is up over at
Time Goes By. The piece draws heavily on the work of the
Human Rights Campaign Fund, musing on the housing challenges gay people face when we get old. HRC has pissed off lots of us with their willingness to ditch equity for people whose gender presentation is unorthodox for toothless legislation against employment discrimination. But that's another story. Their housing stuff is thoughtful.
While you are there -- or while you are here -- if you are over 50 and read or comment on blogs, click on the "The Elderblogger Survey" box and spend five minutes answering questions. Ronni Bennett at Time Goes By figures, since we are so small a part of surveys from the big blogs, that we need to do our own. The survey will be live until May 1.
The link isn't working. :-(
And there is a knocking sound whenever I log on to your blog. Zat on purpose?
Link fixed. Thanks Jane. The source of the knocking sound can be found here.
Guess I better deactivate it. :-)
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